ABOUT US (draft)


    • Nicole Hebert-Hicks
      Executive Director/Co-Founder

      Nicole Hebert-Hicks

      Executive Director/Co-Founder

      Serves as a leader, convener, and advocate in the autism community. Nicole serves the autism community by providing support and guidance to parents seeking information in resources in the DFW area. Having served as the Executive Director for six years, Nicole remains active by participating in several autism educational summits throughout the year. She holds an MBA in project & business management, a BA in economics and a certification in nonprofit management. Nicole is experienced in leadership, program planning and management, financial planning and management and community relations advocacy.

      Phone: 817-771-7430
      Email: nhicks@thepalaceofautism.org

    • Patrick Hicks

      Patrick Hicks


      Patrick has over twenty years of sales management experience in operational planning and management, human resources planning and management, risk management, and community relations advocacy. His acquired knowledge and business skill set will qualify Patrick to manage the operational functionality of TPOA.

      Phone: 817-269-0142
      Email: phicks@thepalaceofautism.org

    • Patrick Hicks

      Patrick Hicks


      Patrick has over twenty years of sales management experience in operational planning and management, human resources planning and management, risk management, and community relations advocacy. His acquired knowledge and business skill set will qualify Patrick to manage the operational functionality of TPOA.

      Phone: 817-269-0142
      Email: phicks@thepalaceofautism.org

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The Palace of A.U.T.I.S.M. (TPOA) is designed to support children that are on the autism spectrum level. All donations received will help The Palace of A.U.T.I.S.M. obtain our vision by providing the highest quality of education, enrichment programs, and events.
You can make a contribution via PayPal by selecting the "Donate" link below or or by mailing to:
The Palace of A.U.T.I.S.M.
c/o Patrick & Nicole Hicks
P.O. Box 180728
Arlington, TX 76096-0728